To give to the church, please click the donate button above.
It will open a Paypal page.
Enter the amount you wish to donate.
Select the method of payment you wish to use,
Paypal account or credit/debit card.
(If you do not have a credit/debit card, and would like to use an e-check or have funds taken directly from your bank account, you will need to create your own personal Paypal account. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact David Acker, 903-570-2209)
If you wish to donate to AWANA or another DESIGNATED FUND, please use the box
"Add special Instructions to Seller"
to designate your donation, otherwise all donations will go into General Tithes and Offerings.
(This is directly under the amount if you use the credit/debit link or on the page after you select your payment method using Paypal)